Global warming - Climate change and galvanising_INGALSM3.pdf

Global warming - Climate change and galvanising_INGALSM3.pdf

Steel is essential for the construction and manufacturing industries, while also requiring significant amounts of energy for its extraction and refining. Zinc is the other metal that has a vital role to play in ensuring the durability of steel structures and products, and it too requires energy for its extraction and refining. While some pyro-metallurgical technologies are used for zinc refining, it is predominantly an electrolytic process, requiring significant amount of power for this process. The source of the power may be from coal fired power stations on mainland Australia, to hydro-electric power in Tasmania. Extract from INGAL Specifiers' Manual - 3rd Edition. Full manual at

Global warming - Climate change and galvanising_INGALSM3.pdf
Publish Date
03 May 2018

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