Composite design example for multistorey steel framed buildings - preface bk800

Composite design example for multistorey steel framed buildings - preface bk800

The general objective of this publication Design example for multistorey composite steel framed building (ASI 2007) is to assist building structures engineers to develop as much confidence with the design of composite, steel-framed, multi-storey buildings, as they are likely to have with more traditional reinforced concrete multi-storey buildings. The text consists primarily of a set of design calculations covering most aspects of the design and detailing of a steel framed, composite floored, multistorey building. The appendices to the text provide necessary background to some of the unique aspects of composite design and to interpretation of the Australian Composite Structures Code, AS 2327. Click here for bookshop details.

Composite design example for multistorey steel framed buildings - preface bk800
Publish Date
03 May 2018

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