How Is a Green Star Point Obtained via the ESC?

How is a Green Star Point obtained via the ESC?

Projects that use steel have the potential to earn up to two Green Star points. The ESC provides for one of these points – the Mat-5 Steel point in the GBCA credit for Responsible Building Materials.  

This Green Star point can be gained where at least 95% of the building’s steel (by mass) is sourced from a Responsible Steel Maker and 60% of the fabricated structural steelwork on the project is supplied by a steel fabricator or contractor certified to the ESC. In other words, this point is provided to the constructor:

  • for using an ESC-accredited fabricator for the fabrication/manufacturing work on the steel used in the project, and
  • when 95% of the steel used is supplied from an environmentally responsible steelmaker.

A Responsible Steel Maker is one who has:

The criterion for the responsible sourcing of steel does not attract a point but is a prerequisite for qualification of the project under the ESC point.

The relationship between fabricator and steelmaker is illustrated in the table below:

Green Star point or contract requirement for environmentally fabricated steelworkThe fabricator/ contractor for the steelwork

Continuous environmental improvement and commitment to sustainability, environmental responsibility and communication of this commitment through operation of a management system audited annually.

Prerequisite: Responsible sourcing
of steel
The steelmaker

The steelmaker must operate to an ISO 14001 Environmental Management System and be a member of the World Steel Association’s Climate Action Programme.

Further information is available that relates to the other Green Star credit available for steel.