Standards Watch

Standards Watch

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On 14th August 2020 Standards Australia published an amendment to AS/NZS 5131:2016 Structural steelwork – Fabrication and erection. Following this, on 21st August 2020 Standards Australia published a revision to AS 4100 Steel structures.

AS 4100 and AS/NZS 5131 work together to ensure risk-minimised fit-for-purpose design and construction outcomes for steel structures. They are therefore significant for all members of the steel supply chain including steel manufacturers, distributors, steel detailers, fabricators, erectors, designers, constructors and certifiers. All members of the steel supply chain should be aware of the 2020 changes to these Standards and the implications for their business and business relationships as well as their duty of care under both WHS and NCC regulation.

Summary of changes to AS/NZS 5131

  • Traceability: Modifications to the definitions (Section 4) and application (Section 5) of traceability have been made to better align with international practice.
  • AS/NZS ISO 3834: In AS/NZS 5131:2020 there is now normative reference to AS/NZS ISO 3834, which was previously an informative reference.
  • ABCB alignment: With the publication of the revision to AS 4100, which now directly references AS/NZS 5131, there were necessary wording revisions throughout the document to reflect Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) requirements for documents referenced under the National Construction Code (NCC).
  • Risk matrix: There has been a small but important change to the risk matrix used to assess the Construction Categories.

Summary of changes to AS 4100

  • Fabrication and erection: Now referenced to AS/NZS 5131.
  • Construction Category: Selection of the Construction Category (previously only in AS/NZS 5131) has been made an engineering requirement, together with a new Appendix L providing guidance on selection of the Construction Category.
  • Architecturally exposed structural steel: Definition and description of ‘architecturally exposed structural steel’ (AESS).
  • Lamellar tearing: definition and description of lamellar tearing.
  • High strength bolts: Introduction of a new 'alternative bolt assembly type' to EN 14399-3 Type HR for grade 8.8 bolts and an 'additional bolt assembly type' to EN 14399-3 Type HR for grade 10.9 bolts
  • Geometric tolerances: New specification of geometrical tolerances for fabrication and erection aligned with AS/NZS 5131.
  • Construction specification: Reference to the 'construction specification' as the document containing the particular design data and details to be provided.

Check out our eLearning site for courses that help you to understand and implement these changes

Changes to AS 4100 and AS/NZS 5131

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Engineering for Good Fabrication and Erection Outcomes

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Preparing for Certification to AS/NZS 5131

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Question and Answer Session

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